High Voltage Gain DC-DC Converter Based on Two-Coupled-Inductor
Cao Taiqiang1, Liu Wei1, Guo Xiaoying2, Chen Zhangyong3, Wang Jun1, Sun Zhang1, You Fang1, Luo Qian4
1. Xihua University Chengdu 610039 China; 2. Panzhihua University Panzhihua 617000 China; 3. Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 610031 China; 4. Information Filiale, The Second Research Institute of CAAC Chengdu 610041 China
Abstract:High voltage gain non-isolated DC-DC converter with two-coupled-inductor is presented in this paper. Based on single switch quadratic boost topology, by incorporating coupled-inductor cell into pre-stage boost cell and stacking the output voltage, the proposed converter can achieve high voltage gain property. Meanwhile, by introducing coupled-inductor cell into post-stage boost cell, voltage stress of power switch is decreased. Furthermore, passive snubber is utilized to suppress voltage spike stress of the switch and low-voltage-rated MOSFET with low RDS(on) for reduction of the conduction loss and cost can be chosen, therefore efficiency of the converter improved. Finally, Steady state analysis of the converter and operating characteristics is developed and experimental results from a 200W 20V/200V prototype were presented to verify the analysis of the proposed converter.
曹太强, 刘威, 郭筱瑛, 陈章勇, 王军, 孙章, 游芳, 罗谦. 双耦合电感二次型高升压增益DC-DC变换器[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(8): 104-112.
Cao Taiqiang, Liu Wei, Guo Xiaoying, Chen Zhangyong, Wang Jun, Sun Zhang, You Fang, Luo Qian. High Voltage Gain DC-DC Converter Based on Two-Coupled-Inductor. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(8): 104-112.
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