Calculation and Analysis of Loss in High-Capacity High-Frequency Transformers
Zhao Zhenghan, Wang Youhua, Ling Yuesheng, Pan Ruzheng, Song Jinling, Yang Xiaoguang
Province-Ministry Joint Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Apparatus Reliability Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300130 China
Abstract:Losse of 10kW high-capacity high-frequency transformer made of copper foil winding is analyzed by finite element method. For different transformer winding structures, the interleaved winding technology can reduce loss of high-frequency transformer by use of simulation and experiment. The final prototype experimental data provide strong evidence. A 10kW high-frequency transformer prototype at 20kHz employed the interleaved configuration is 99% efficiency achieved.
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Zhao Zhenghan, Wang Youhua, Ling Yuesheng, Pan Ruzheng, Song Jinling, Yang Xiaoguang. Calculation and Analysis of Loss in High-Capacity High-Frequency Transformers. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2014, 29(5): 261-264.
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