Topology and Control of Grid-Connected Energy Recovery Power Accumulator Battery Pack Testing System
Long Bo1, Li XunBo1, Hao Xiaohong1, Huang Bo1, Zhou Xiaodong2, Lang Manjiang3, Hu Qinghua4
1.University of Electronic Science and Technology, Chengdu 610054 China; 2.International Exploration and Business Division of Geophysical Company, Chengdu 610213 China; 3.Sichuan Fu Jiang Hydropower Company, Chengdu 610021 China; 4.Bao Shi Equipment Manufacture Company, Chengdu 610051 China
Abstract:Aiming at the characteristics and special requirements of power accumulator battery pack testing system (PABPTS) used in electric vehicles, an energy recovery power accumulator battery pack testing system is put forward. The improved composite power circuit topology is composed by a bidirectional three-phase voltage source inverter/rectifier, which is in parallel with a bidirectional non-isolating Buck-Boost DC-DC chopper. The control strategy is illustrated for the composite power circuit. Experimental results show that the suggested power circuit could offer high accuracy, wide range, and fast time response battery test, and could recovery the discharging energy to the power grid with high efficiency and is very meaningful in energy saving for battery testing.
龙波, 李迅波, 郝晓红, 黄波, 周晓东, 郎曼江, 胡庆华. 并网能量回收动力电池组测试系统拓扑及其控制[J]. 电工技术学报, 2014, 29(4): 323-328.
Long Bo, Li XunBo, Hao Xiaohong, Huang Bo, Zhou Xiaodong, Lang Manjiang, Hu Qinghua. Topology and Control of Grid-Connected Energy Recovery Power Accumulator Battery Pack Testing System. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2014, 29(4): 323-328.
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