Abstract:Due to the reverse recovery loss of output diode and the difficulty to satisfy soft switching condition of traditional active-clamp forward (ACF) converter under light load condition, a secondary side resonant (SSR) PWM ACF converter is proposed in this paper. Its operation modes and steady state characteristics are analyzed. The analysis results show that ACF-RPWM Buck-Boost-type converter exhibits the characteristics of DC-DC transformer (DCX) with its DC voltage conversion ratio independent of load, switching frequency and duty ratios. The proposed ACF-SSR-PWM Buck-Boost-type converter can realize zero-voltage turn-on switching (ZVS) of switches in the full load range and zero-current turn-off switching (ZCS) of the diode. Compared with traditional secondary resonant ACF converter, ACF-SSR-PWM Buck-Boost type converter has reduced switch current stress and turn-off current of the main switch. Finally, a 200V input, 50V/1.6A output experimental prototype is established to verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis.
曹太强, 王军, 孙章, 罗谦. 有源钳位正激二次侧谐振PWM Buck-Boost型变换器[J]. 电工技术学报, 2014, 29(4): 10-18.
Cao Taiqiang, Wang Jun, Sun Zhang, Luo Qian. Active Clamp Forward Secondary Side Resonant Buck-Boost PWM Converter. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2014, 29(4): 10-18.
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