LED life Attenuation Study Based on Low Frequency Noise
Yang Guanghua1, Li Yulan2, Yu Liyuan1
1. School of Electrical Engineering & Automation, Tianjin Polytechnic University Tianjin 300371 China 2. Military Logistics Department, Academy of Military Transportation Tianjin 300161 China
Abstract:Low-frequency noise can be used to measure the noise power spectrum of the LED device, Which can allow to test and analyze the defect states of the device structure in depth. This test has a good prospect, which not only has the advantages of no damage to the device and rapid measurement, but also reflects the internal characteristics of the device structure itself. This paper systematically describes the low-frequency noise generation mechanism and the mathematical model, and introduces comprehensively the research results of the 1/f and GR noise power spectral characterization based on GaN and GaAs LED devices. From the low-frequency noise characteristics of LED it can be observed that LED’s performance can be tested and analyzed by 1/f and G-R noise power spectrum. And the origin affecting the life of the LED device is mainly due to dark spots in active region and defect states inside and outside the active region. The mechanism that dark spots and defect states impact the decay of LED has not yet been determined.
杨广华, 李玉兰, 于莉媛. 基于低频噪声的LED寿命衰减研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2013, 28(2增): 239-242.
Yang Guanghua, Li Yulan, Yu Liyuan. LED life Attenuation Study Based on Low Frequency Noise. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2013, 28(2增): 239-242.
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