A Novel Platform for Experimenting and Testing FACTS Controllers
Lin Weixing1, Zhang Xing2, Li Gang3, Sun Haishun1, Zhang Tingying1, Fan Yongyu1, Wen Jinyu1, Cheng Shijie1
1. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China 2. China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China 3. Northwest Grid Company Limited Xi’an 710075 China
Abstract:A novel platform for experimenting and testing FACTS controllers is constructed. Take TCSC as an example, the platform is constructed by interfacing a TCSC controller to the ADPSS. The majority of power system is modeled using electromechanical models, while TCSC and the line it inserted are modeled using electromagnetic models. TCSC controller is connected to ADPSS using a physical interface box. TCSC controller measures the outputs of power amplifier, and output control signals according to its control strategy and the measured signals. ADPSS adjusts the states of thyristors on receiving the control signals. The platform can be used to research the effects of FACTS controllers to the power system without any equivalence of the vast power grid. Experimental results of reactance control, power flow control, power oscillation damping control with TCSC controller are presented. The experimental results show that this platform is valid; it can be used to study the effects of FACTS to power system and test the performance of the FACTS controllers.
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