Abstract:According to the mathematical model of three-level pulse width modulation (PWM) rectifier based on objects being controlled, the influence of various vectors on neutral-point (NP) voltage in direct current (DC) side is analyzed, andasymmetrical three-section PWM without medium vectors is proposed. On the basis of different modulating mode, the characteristics of rectifier are studied. This PWM is simpler since its vector section is reduced. Because medium-vectors are eliminated, the neutral-point voltage self-balance is achieved. The simulation and experimental results show that three-level PWM rectifier runs steadily in unity power factor, and the proposed method is correct and efficient. Compared with traditional PWM, while the amplitude of line current changes rapidly, the effect of neutral-point voltage being balanced is still excellent.
伍文俊, 钟彦儒, 段博. 三电平整流器弃用中矢量的对称三区电压矢量调制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2009, 24(6): 69-76.
Wu Wenjun, Zhong Yanru, Duan Bo. A Symmetrical Three-Section PWM for Three-Level Rectifier With Medium Vectors Being Eliminated. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2009, 24(6): 69-76.
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