Modelling of Multiphase Induction Motor With Non-Sinusoidal Supply |
Wang Dong, Ma Weiming, Guo Yunjun, Liu Dezhi, Chen Junquan |
Naval Engineering University Wuhan 430033 China |
Abstract The improvement of utilization percent of ferromagnetic material and output torque can be obtained by injecting some third harmonic exciting currents, according to the analysis of magneto motive force and air-gap magnetic field density of multiphase induction motor under the non-sinusoidal supply. Mathematical model of fifteen-phase induction motor under fundamental and third harmonic components is deduced, and simulation model of system is shown in the EMTDC library. The results of simulation and experiments are identical, and the firm groundwork is laid for researching the optimization design and the analysis of performance and stability for multiphase induction motors under the non-sinusoidal supply.
Received: 09 October 2008
Published: 12 December 2014
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