AGV and UAV Stepwise Wireless Charging Application Based on Quasi Bidirectional Three-State Collaborative Progressive Method |
Jiang Jincheng, Wang Peiyue, Feng Tianxu, Shi Ke, Lü Changrong |
College of Automation Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications Chongqing 400065 China |
Abstract In application scenarios such as industrial workshops and logistics warehouses, more and more intelligent robots are being used to perform services, monitoring, and transportation work. Combined with the intelligent characteristics of various inspection robots, this paper proposes a step-by-step wireless charging design method for AGV and UAV based on quasi-bidirectional three-state collaborative scheduling to meet the charging service requirements. The aim is to expand the charging domain, energy transmission flexibility, and convenience of the entire system. Compared to traditional fixed static and rail-type dynamic charging devices, this paper introduces the development and design concept of a relay band source system and bidirectional energy transmission. Energy pickup and emission modules are designed and installed at both the input and output ends of mobile AGV and UAV batteries to achieve a three-level step-by-step power supply mode of rail AGV UAV. A mobile power supply is constructed with the networking function of AGV mobile hotspots. According to the power supply demand, the system equipment can choose its power supply role or power intake role to achieve three quasi-bidirectional energy supply modes of the system. At the same time, based on the stability of the electrical parameters and the reasonable utilization of the transmission coil in a limited number, a comprehensive topology structure and power regulation controller of the system are designed. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through experiments. At present, literature on wireless charging mobile robot devices can be mainly summarized into three aspects: (1) New coupling mechanisms with tolerance range; (2) Parameter tuning and optimization of complex systems; (3) Energy efficiency optimization and frequency tracking for static/dynamic charging. These methods have expanded the effective charging area and improved the output performance of the system. However, the WPT technology scheme adopted for mobile robots mainly adopts a two-coil structure as the mainstream engineering application. Due to the generally fixed charging position, the flexibility and constraints of terminal equipment in the spatial configuration are low, causing the limitations of the charging area. From the perspective of application development, there are still several issues with current wireless charging mobile devices: (1) High device reuse rate; (2) The human-machine charging management is complex; (3) The charging modes between each device are independently enclosed; (4) The charging environment is limited. Therefore, the charging area range of wireless charging mobile devices under limited resources, the flexibility and interoperability of mobile charging devices, and an interaction bridge design between devices need to be addressed. In summary, the introduction of active relays considers each relay unit as a relay system, essentially realizing the step-by-step transmission of energy. The relay system is not only an energy transmission medium but also a superposition state of energy, which can be transmitted or received. The implementation of bidirectional charging can broaden system charging dimensions and improve power distribution flexibility. Therefore, this paper combines the active relay system and bidirectional transmission to achieve multimodal charging.
Received: 22 October 2023
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