Equivalent Modeling Method for Electromagnetic Transient of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Offshore Wind Power Simulation |
Liu Yifan, Zou Ming, Wang Yan, Feng Moke, Xu Jianzhong, Jia Xiufang, Zhao Chengyong |
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System With Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract Modeling and simulation of offshore wind power is the key supporting technology for building a new power system with new energy as the main body. As the core component of direct drive or semi-direct drive models, the existing models of permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) have certain limitations: the grey box model provided by commercial software cannot be known about the modeling principle and are manifested in insufficient openness, which limits the application of efficient electromagnetic transient modeling algorithms and parallel acceleration algorithms for wind turbine units; The commonly used PMSG modeling method cannot generate interface and external circuit connections; PMSG is a kind of synchronous generator which has different order mathematical models, and the existing models are inconvenient to change. In order to solve the above problems, this paper proposes a permanent magnet synchronous generator equivalent model which has several advantages compared to existing models and can be applied to different scenarios. On the premise of meeting the accuracy, the model considers the adjustable order of the model, and is an integrated model that can directly connect external circuits. Firstly, starting from the synchronous motor equation, the voltage and flux equations of the generator are discretized, then analyze the algebraic loop problem in generator simulation. Secondly, reconstruct the PMSG model by applying a single step delay to the coupling variables to eliminate the algebraic loop. Thirdly, introduce Park transformation and use matrix block calculation methods to derive its Norton equivalent circuit, completing the construction of the model, and conduct applicability analysis of the method. Finally, based on the modeling method proposed and the usage methods of various code segments of the component tool Cbuilder on the RTDS simulation platform, construct an overall simulation framework for the model. The benchmark model of all components in RTDS and the test model of PMSG model with three orders are built. Then the test of multiple working conditions is carried out, including short circuit fault conditions at four different fault points, small disturbance condition and wind speed variation conditions. The results show that the fourth and second order models were found to be applicable for station level simulation, but they cannot accurately reflect the coupling characteristics between the generator and the machine side converter, as well as between the generator and the wind turbine. The sixth order model achieved high fitting of the benchmark model under multiple operating conditions, with an average relative error of less than 4%, which can simultaneously meet the simulation needs of both station level and internal units. In summary, this paper attempts to solve the limitations of existing PMSG models from the aspect of simulation modeling. For the simulation of offshore wind power, the equivalent model proposed in this paper can be flexibly adjusted and used according to different simulation objectives. The proposed method provides a PMSG model which istransparent and easy to program in simulation platformfor the application of efficient electromagnetic transient modeling methods in overall wind turbine modeling and parallel acceleration algorithms in offshore wind power simulation.
Received: 02 February 2023
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