An Overmodulation Scheme Considering Power Distribution for Hybrid-Inverter Driven Open-Winding Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor System |
Ke Weihuang, Sun Dan, Ma Zhihao, Nian Heng, Zhao Jianyong |
College of Electrical Engineering Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract Hybrid-inverter driven open winding permanent magnet synchronous motor (HI-OW-PMSM) system has the advantages of high power factor, high voltage utilization, and high control accuracy. However, when the field-oriented control strategy is implemented in the HI-OW-PMSM system, an extra power distribution module is essential for the capacitor voltage constraint. The power distribution module limits the voltage ratio between two inverters, making a conventional overmodulation scheme challenging to be executed in the HI-OW-PMSM system. Therefore a novel overmodulation scheme considering power distribution is proposed. The influence of the conventional overmodulation scheme on the power balance of the HI-OW-PMSM system is analyzed. The modulation index of the stator voltage and the active voltage are redefined, and the overmodulation region is divided more accurately when considering the power distribution. Accordingly, a novel overmodulation scheme considering power balance is proposed. To balance the power of the HI-OW-PMSM system in the stator voltage overmodulation region and smooth the switching process from the linear modulation region to the overmodulation region, a stator voltage overmodulation scheme is proposed, and the reactive voltage is indirectly corrected. Furthermore, an active voltage overmodulation scheme is proposed, and the active voltage is corrected. Then, the proposed active voltage overmodulation scheme is derived from the case of six-step modulation, and the operation range of the HI-OW-PMSM system is further extended. In order to verify the superiority of the proposed method, comparative experimental studies among the conventional field-oriented control strategy (strategy Ⅰ), the conventional overmodulation strategy (strategy Ⅱ), and the proposed overmodulation strategy (strategy Ⅲ) are carried out in the experimental platform of the HI-OW-PMSM system. The static experimental results show that the critical speed of the proposed method is increased by about 14 % and 9 %, respectively. Besides, the current THD of the proposed method is smaller than strategy Ⅰ and strategy Ⅱ over the whole operation range. The dynamic experimental results show that the switching process among linear modulation, overmodulation, and six-step modulation regions is smooth. The following conclusions can be drawn from theoretical derivation and experimental analysis: (1) The power distribution cannot keep balance when the conventional overmodulation method is directly applied to the HI-OW-PMSM system. (2) The active voltage modulation index has been defined, and a more accurate boundary of the over-modulation region has been obtained when considering the power distribution constraint. (3) The stator voltage overmodulation method and the active voltage overmodulation method have been proposed, respectively. Thus, the balance of the power distribution in the overmodulation region and the smooth switching at the overmodulation boundary are realized. (4) Comparative experiments have been carried out, which verified that the proposed method has a broader operating range and smaller current THD than the conventional overmodulation method.
Received: 20 April 2022
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