Stochastic Time Domain Calculation Model for Radio Interference from DC Conductor |
Li Xuebao1, Wu Haotian2, Cheng Luying3, Sun Chao2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. State Grid Zhejiang Hangzhou Qiantang New Area Power Supply Company Hangzhou 311225 China; 3. Zhejiang Tiandi Environmental Protection Technology Co. Ltd Hangzhou 311100 China |
Abstract The stochastic radio interference pulses can be generated from the corona discharge from DC transmission lines. At present, the measurement and prediction of radio interference were mainly based on the method in frequency domain, which cannot reflect the stochastic pulse nature characteristics of the corona-generated radio interference. In this paper, a time domain measurement platform for DC corona radio interference from single conductor is built in the laboratory. The time domain measurement of DC corona generated radio interference from positive single conductor is realized by using time domain whip antenna. The statistical characteristics of radio interference waveform parameters, including amplitude, repetitive frequency, rise time and duration time, are analyzed in detail. Based on the time domain statistical characteristics, the stochastic time domain prediction model of radio interference from single conductor is established. In the model, the generation of stochastic pulses, attenuation of pulses, calculation of electric field in time domain and the construction of electric field pulses are included. The validity of the model is verified by comparing the quasi-peak values of the calculated results and measurement results in which the difference between them is less than 2dB.
Received: 03 November 2021
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