Discrimination Method of Contact Failure Mechanisms for Electromagnetic Apparatus |
Wang Shujuan, Yu Qiong, Zhai Guofu |
Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract Contact voltage drop is measured only to identify if the contacts are failure or not in traditional method for electromagnetic relays. However, many variations of characteristic parameter are neglected and the existent information is not enough to discriminate the failure mechanisms. Considering the randomness and redundancy caused by multi-parameter, a discrimination method of contact failure mechanisms based on principal component analysis (PCA) and distance discrimination analysis is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the life tests for relays are carried out and the corresponding variations of parameters are recorded. Then PCA is adopted to reduce the dimensionality and the main features are extracted. Finally, taking the data of test samples as the training specimen, the distance discrimination analysis is employed to determine the class of failure mechanisms for a new sample. Not only the insufficient discriminant information caused by single parameter is avoided but also unfavourable effects to the discriminant process due to interference among multi-parameter are weakened.
Received: 18 June 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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