Residential Electricity Consumption Pattern Classification Method Based on Multi-Task Joint Model |
Xu Mingjie1, Zhao Jian1, Wang Xiaoyu1, Xuan Yi2, Chen Bojian3 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering Shanghai University of Electric Power Shanghai 200090 China; 2. Hangzhou Power Supply Company State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co. Ltd Hangzhou 310016 China; 3. Power Science Research Institute of State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co. Ltd Fuzhou 350000 China |
Abstract Identifying the electricity consumption behavior patterns of massive residential users and then making a reasonable classification, can provide auxiliary decision-making for demand-side lean management. This paper proposes a method of residential electricity consumption pattern classification based on a multi-task joint model of convolutional neural network auto-encoder(CNN-AE) and hierarchical clustering. Firstly, a method for filling missing values based on the mean value of simultaneous measurement data and an outlier detection method based on seasonal hybrid extreme studentized deviate test, were proposed to clean and correct massive and high-dimensional electricity data. Secondly, the CNN-AE was used to extract the features of the residential electricity consumption data, and obtained the feature vector which could characterize the residents'electricity consumption behavior. Then, combining the hierarchical clustering algorithm and silhouette coefficient to determine the number of users'cluster and each cluster centers'vector, initialized the neural network layer for user clustering with cluster centers'vector; and joined the feature extraction process and user clustering process to form a multi-task learning neural network. This network was used to achieve end-to-end classification of residential electricity consumption patterns. Finally, considering environmental temperature and electricity price factors, the proposed method was verified on actual dataset.
Received: 27 May 2021
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