Research on the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit of Radio Frequency Coil on the Printed Circuit Board |
Xu Xianneng, Xu Zheng |
School of Electrical Engineering Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China |
Abstract PCB coils have the features of excellent performance, less space and easy manufacture artwork, and they are often used in fields of wireless power transmission and unilateral nuclear magnetic logging. In order to analyze the performance of PCB coil, it is necessary to calculate AC resistance, inductance and radio frequency magnetic field distribution. Due to the large span of copper wire thickness and outer dimensions, the calculation speed and accuracy of conventional finite element software and analytical methods cannot meet requirements, particularly when considering the metal eddy currents. In the frequency range of 0.5~15MHz, this paper adopted the partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) method to calculate the impedance and radio frequency magnetic field distribution of PCB coil (copper thickness of 35μm) under metal eddy current. The PEEC model of the planar rectangular spiral PCB coil was established, the method for selecting the PEEC meshing parameters was summarized by making a comparison between calculation and the measurement results and the magnetic field distribution of the coil under PEEC model was analyzed. Finally, the accurate and fast calculation of the impedance and the radio frequency magnetic field of PCB coil under metal eddy current was realized. The work in this paper can provide references for PCB coil analysis in the fields of wireless power transmission and unilateral nuclear magnetic logging.
Received: 04 July 2021
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