Prediction Method of Insulation Paper Remaining Life with Mechanical-Thermal Synergy Based on Whale Optimization Algorithm-Long-Short Term Memory Model |
Yu Yongjin, Jiang Ya’nan, Li Changyun |
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation Shandong University of Science and Technology Qingdao 266590 China |
Abstract As the key equipment in the UHV DC transmission system, remaining life prediction of insulation paper for transformers can provide a reference for the operation and maintenance of converter transformers. Therefore, a prediction method based on whale optimization algorithm (WOA) and long-short term memory (LSTM) was proposed. Firstly, combined with the accelerated mechanical- thermal aging test of insulation paper, the multi-feature fusion of the aging characterization parameters, including degree of polymerization, furfural content, and dielectric dissipation factors at different characteristic frequencies, was carried out by the principal component analysis (PCA) method. The quantitative expression between the comprehensive evaluation index and the tensile strength of insulation paper was obtained, and then the tensile strengths corresponding to the excellent insulation performance and the serious deterioration condition were taken as the positive and negative ideal values respectively. In combination with the proximity, constructing the degradation index sequence as model input, the remaining life prediction of insulation paper is realized. Next, WOA is used to optimize the relevant super parameters in the LSTM. Finally, a WOA-LSTM model is constructed to predict insulation paper remaining life. The results show that the WOA-LSTM model proposed not only incorporates multiple feature quantities that can characterize the aging state of insulation paper, but also significantly improves the prediction accuracy, which can provide a strong guarantee for the safe and stable operation of the insulation system of converter transformers.
Received: 21 January 2021
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