Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Dual-Active-Bridge DC-DC Converter with Current Stress Optimization |
Wang Wu1, Lei Wenhao1, Cai Fenghuang1, Jiang Jiahui2 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering and Automation Fuzhou University Fuzhou 350108 China; 2. College of Electrical Engineering Qingdao University Qingdao 266071 China |
Abstract Aiming at bi-directional DC-DC converter in microgrid system needs to have excellent steady-state characteristics and dynamic response at the same time, this paper proposes an active disturbance rejection control scheme of dual active bridge (DAB) DC-DC converter combined with current stress optimization. And the key technologies, such as the mathematical model of transmission power and current stress, the combination of current stress optimization and active disturbance rejection control, are analyzed. On the basis of extended phase-shift modulation, the optimal solution of current stress in different working modes is solved by the conditional extreme value method. The extended state observer is used to estimate the system state in real-time. The input voltage mutation, load switching, transmission power fluctuation caused by current stress optimization strategy are regarded as system disturbances and compensated. Finally, a set of 200W prototype is designed and developed. The experimental results verify the feasibility and advancement of the proposed control scheme.
Received: 07 June 2021
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