Integration of Resonant Wireless Energy Supply LCL-LCL for Cardiac Pacemaker |
Chen Weihua, Song Yiwei, Yan Xiaoheng |
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering Liaoning Technology University Huludao 125000 China |
Abstract In order to reduce the volume and electromagnetic interference of the wireless charging system of the implantable pacemaker, a wireless power supply system with a series parallel (LCL-LCL) compensation integrated coupling structure and working frequency of 150kHz was designed based on the principle of magnetic coupling resonance. The resonant coil was integrated into the main coil instead of the inductance. Firstly, the coil model was established and optimized, and the influence of turn number and turn spacing on coil mutual inductance was analyzed. Accordingly, a rounded square coil with the best coupling coefficient was designed. Then, the transmission efficiency of the integrated system and the non- integrated structural system was compared, and the advantages of this structure in efficiency and volume were verified. The feasibility and safety of the implantable charging system were further evaluated by simulating three-dimensional human tissue, calculating the specific absorption rate, temperature rise and electromagnetic field intensity. The experimental results show that the transmission efficiency of the system can reach 73% when the coil center is aligned 8mm apart, which is 15% higher than that of the non integrated structure, and the maximum temperature rise is only 1.2℃.
Received: 01 June 2021
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