Improve Method the Safety Performance of 10kV High Voltage Switchgear |
Dong Pan1, Yang Xin1, Jia Pengfei2, Lei Jiacheng1, Liu Yao3 |
1. School of Electrical & Information Engineering Changsha University of Science and Technology Changsha 410114 China; 2. China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China; 3. State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company Beijing 100031 China |
Abstract Aiming at the secondary damage of the explosion caused by the internal short-circuit arc of the 10kV high-voltage switchgear, the paper proposed calculation methods and design suggestions to improve the safety margin of the switchgear from the perspective of comparing the safety margin of the cabinet box and cabinet door. The heat source equivalent and sub-cabin modeling methods were adopted, and the finite element simulation calculation method of multi-physics coupling was used to simulate the safety margin of the switchgear under the impact of short-circuit arc. Taking the cable room as an example, the safety margin values (51% and 2%, respectively) of the cable room cabinet and the door were obtained. It is pointed out that the key to the safety margin of the switchgear is to increase the safety margin value of the cabinet door. A method of covering the inner side of the cabinet door with ceramic silicone rubber polymer composite refractory material is proposed to improve the safety margin of the cabinet door, and a 3mm thick ceramic silicone rubber polymer composite refractory material is covered in the area of high pressure inside the cabinet door. The safety margin of the cabinet door can be increased to 70%, and the overall safety performance of the switch cabinet is improved. Compared with traditional upgrading methods, it is more targeted, promotes the development of lightweight equipment, and provides new solutions and methods for upgrading the safety level of 10kV switchgear.
Received: 28 December 2020
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