Traction Control Strategy of Segmented Long Stator Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor for Medium-Speed Maglev Train |
Zhao Mutian1,2, Ge Qiongxuan1, Zhu Jinquan1,2, Wang Xiaoxin1, Wang Ke1,2 |
1. Key Laboratory of Power Electronics and Electric Drive Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049 China |
Abstract Medium-speed maglev train is driven by the segmented long stator permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (LS-PMLSM), the change of the permanent magnet flux linkage of the adjacent stator windings will lead to the loss of traction during a changeover. Besides, the increase of the length of the feeder cable in the traction process will increase the leakage impedance of the motor. Under the limitation of the converter's power supply capacity, the train cannot run at full speed in the test line. In this paper, the mathematical model of LS-PMLSM with stator segment changeover is established. On this basis, the changeover strategy at full speed and the flux weakening control strategy suitable for the motor are proposed. The strategy allocates the q-axis current in real-time to ensure that the current of adjacent stator segments in a changeover period follows the reference value. The d-axis reference current is calculated by the motor terminal voltage, which can make the motor smoothly switch between id=0 and flux weakening control. Through the Hardware-in-the-Loop experiment, it is verified that the strategy can realize the full speed operation under the constraints of the line length and converter capacity, and eliminate the traction loss of the motor during the stator segment changeover.
Received: 30 November 2020
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