Analysis and Prediction of Electromagnetic Interference Noise in Synchronous Buck Converter with SiC MOSFET |
Cheng Lin1, Ou Hong2, Bi Chuang2, Feng Simeng3, Wu Jingfeng1 |
1. State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Research Institute of Electric Power Xi’an 710054 China; 2. School of Aeronautics and Astronautics/Aircraft Swarm Intelligent Sensing and Cooperative Control Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province University of Electronic and Technology of China Chengdu 611731 China; 3. State Grid Shaanxi Transmission and Transformation Engineering Co. Ltd Xi’an 710000 China |
Abstract Compared to silicon MOSFETs, silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs have higher operating junction temperature and higher power density. However, due to its faster switching speed and parasitic parameters, a large switching oscillation will occur on the output waveform of SiC MOSFET. This paper derives the mathematical formulas of the time-domain switching waveforms based on equivalent circuit models for the switching transition. Then, analytical models are developed to calculate the spectra and the corresponding spectral bounds of the switching waveforms of SiC MOSFETs in a synchronous Buck converter. By comparing the experimental results with the numerical calculation results, the boundary of the switching waveform spectrum is accurately predicted, and it is found that the parasitic parameters of SiC MOSFET have significant effect on the high-frequency spectrum and its bounds.
Received: 30 June 2020
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