Research on Loss Analysis and Efficiency Improvement of Current Source Driver |
Sang Xikun, Wang Yijie, Xu Dianguo |
School of Electrical Engineering & Automation Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract In this paper, two different working modes of a new current source gate driver were studied. In order to research the influence of the system parameters on the loss of the driving circuit under the two working modes, the working principle of the circuit and the power consumption of each part were analyzed in detail. In addition, the power loss of the driving circuit under the two working modes was compared, and the selection method of the current source gate driver under the two working modes was proposed from the perspective of system loss. Finally, the current source gate driver was applied to a modified SEPIC Boost converter, the turn-on and turn-off process of the switch were analyzed through the experimental test, and the comparative analysis was made with the traditional voltage source driver by Si8271, which further verifies the significance of the current source driver for improving the system efficiency.
Received: 28 June 2020
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