Series-Connected DC Voltage Harmonics Compensation Circuit and Application in Multi-Terminal DC |
Yang Rongfeng1, Yu Yannan2, Wang Guoling1, Wu Defeng1, Yu Wanneng1 |
1. School of Marine Engineering Jimei University Xiamen 361021 China; 2. College of Mechanical and Control Engineering Guilin Unversity of Technology Guilin 541006 China |
Abstract The rectifiers always employ bulky capacitors to filter the harmonics, but the capacitors in DC grid will discharge gigantic current during DC short conditions, furthermore, the capacitors occupy space and cost much in medium voltage application. This paper proposed one series-connected active voltage compensation circuit, which generates the negative harmonic voltage and attenuates the rectifier output voltage fluctuations without DC grid capacitors. This paper proposes double-loop PI and sliding mode control methods to track the harmonics voltage with excellent performance and maintain the independent capacitor voltage of the compensation circuit constant. The abruptly load changing condition is also analyzed. Furthermore, this series-connected circuit is applied in multi-terminal DC (MTDC) and one master-slave control structure is employed for power flow control avoiding interferences between multi-purpose functions. The proposed circuit and control methods are verified through comprehensive simulations.
Received: 20 June 2020
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