Application and Thinking of Big Data Technology of New Energy Vehicle Monitoring Platform in Driving and Charging Scenarios |
Mao Ling1, Deng Siwen2, Zhao Denghui1, Tang Liying2, Sun Xinjie2 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering Shanghai University of Electric Power Shanghai 200090 China; 2. Shanghai Electric Vehicle Public Data Collecting Monitoring and Research Center Shanghai 201805 China |
Abstract Because of improvement of energy and climate issues, the development of the new energy automobile industry has received extensive attention. The trend of information and integration of new energy vehicles has accumulated a large amount of data. In order to rationally use big data technology for information processing and data mining, and promote the comprehensive and in-depth integration of new energy vehicles with energy, transportation, and communication, the Shanghai New Energy Vehicle Monitoring Platform has been established. First, the architecture, data collection types and platform label system of Shanghai Electric Vehicle Public Data Collecting, Monitoring and Research Center are introduced. It analyzed the characteristics of the use of new energy vehicles, which focuses on the temporal and spatial distribution of driving behavior and charging behavior. The application directions are provided from some aspects of charging facilities, power grid and security. Finally, the existing problems and development plans of the new energy vehicle monitoring platform are summarized and prospected.
Received: 07 August 2021
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