Bending Characteristics and Structure Design of Smooth Aluminum Composite Sheath in HV XLPE Cables |
Liu Ying1, Chen Jiawei1, Zhao Mingwei1, Jin Jinyuan2, Yue Zhenguo2 |
1. Electrical Engineering School Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an 710049 China; 2. Zhejiang Chenguang Cable Co. Ltd Pinghu 314204 China |
Abstract In recent years, the ablation failures of buffer layer frequently occurred in cables with corrugated aluminum sheaths have aroused the widespread attention of the domestic power industry to the smooth-aluminum-sheathed HV XLPE cables, whose bending performance is the key for engineering application. In this paper, a three-dimensional simulation model of four-point bending of a XLPE cable with smooth aluminum sheath was built, where the cohesive zone model was used to simulate the mechanical behavior of the adhesive layer. As for the bending performance of smooth aluminum composite sheath, the effects of the hot melt adhesive, the compressible thickness of buffer layer, the thickness and material of non-metallic outer-serving, and the inner diameter of aluminum sheath were studied. The results show that if the aluminum sheath is not bonded to the outer-serving, its resistance to bending deformation is so poor that it is prone to wrinkle and so as to squeeze the internal insulation. However, an integral composite sheath can be formed after being bonded, whose bending resistance is dependent on the total thickness. The aluminum sheath thickness is designed according to the short circuit capacity requirement, and the total thickness required for the bending resistance needs to be supplemented by the outer-serving, whose elastic modulus should be no less than 800MPa. The buffer layer has little effect on the bending performance of aluminum sheath, so its thickness can be designed mainly from the absorption of the insulation thermal expansion. Finally, an 110kV XLPE cable with smooth aluminum sheath was trial produced and type tested.
Received: 01 May 2020
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