Control Strategy of Hybrid Energy Storage System for Electrified Railway Based on Increment Energy Management |
Geng Anqi, Hu Haitao, Zhang Yuwei, Chen Junyu, Ge Yinbo |
College of Electrical Engineering Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 611756 China |
Abstract As the mileage of electrified railways continues to increase, the energy consumption problem is increasing. Retrofitting hybrid energy storage systems for the electrified railways can effectively recover the regenerative braking energy of trains and realize the energy-saving operation of an electrified railway. However, there will be energy exchange problems between different energy storage media when the hybrid energy storage system adopts the filtered energy management strategy. In this regard, firstly, a control strategy based on increment energy management is proposed. This strategy takes full advantages of the high energy density of lithium batteries and the fast response of supercapacitors, and improves the regenerative braking energy utilization rate of the system by suppressing the energy exchange. Then, to compensate the power tracking error caused by the lithium battery reference power variation, the supercapacitor compensation is added to enhance the dynamic performance of the hybrid energy storage system. Finally, the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed strategy are verified by RT-Lab real-time simulations and case analysis based on real measurement data.
Received: 01 February 2021
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