Study on the Nitric Acid Induced Aging Mechanism in Silicone Rubber |
Zhang Ni1, Wang Zheng1,2, Yang Yue1, Peng Xiangyang2, Fang Pengfei1 |
1. School of Physics and Technology Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China; 2. Guangdong Key Laboratory of Electric Power Equipment Reliability Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Co. Ltd Guangzhou 510080 China |
Abstract During the running of a silicone rubber composite insulator, the formation and permeation of nitric acid will reduce the properties of silicone rubber, which threatens the safety of the insulation device in power grid. In this paper, the aging mechanism of nitric acid on silicone rubber was systematically studied by several material characterization techniques. The results of GC-MS show that the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) in silicone rubber breaks into low molecular weighted siloxanes (LMW), resulting in the increase of the D4~D7. Moreover, the concentration of D4 in the 600h nitric acid aged sample is 30 times that of the virgin one, and the left relative content of PDMS decreases by 9.16%. The results of FTIR and XPS show that the Si-C bond is broken and oxidized after aging with nitric acid, leading to the increase of Si-O3 and Si-O4, while the content of carbon element is reduced. At the same time, the C-H bond breaks and polar hydroxyl groups are introduced into methyl group. It can be seen that nitric acid mainly causes the aging of silicone rubber from two aspects: one is that the H+ acts on the Si-O bond in PDMS, which depolymerizes the PDMS network structure in silicone rubber; the other is that the highly oxidized NO3- acts on the groups in PDMS, which causes the surface of silicone rubber to change from non-polarity to polarity. These are the main reasons for the decrease in barrier and hydrophobicity of silicone rubber.
Received: 06 July 2020
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