Quantitative Relationship Between the Moisture Content of Oil-Impregnated Paper and the Poles of the Polarization Branch of the Hybrid Equivalent Model |
Zou Yang1, Lin Chaoqun1, Ye Rong2, Jin Tao1 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering and Automation Fuzhou University Fuzhou 350108 China; 2. Fuzhou Power Supply Company of State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co. Ltd Fuzhou 350009 China |
Abstract Based on the hybrid equivalent model of oil-paper insulation (HEM), the interface polarization branch is introduced into the topology of the extended Debye model (EDM), and new frequency domain characteristic parameters PTC-Max and PTC-Min that characterize the moisture content of oil-impregnated paper are extracted. Firstly, according to the measured induction voltage regulator data, the difference of FDS in identifying the parameters of HEM and EDM models is compared to explain the advantages of HEM. The transfer function equation of the model is derived by the transfer function method, and the transfer function spectrum of oil-impregnated paper with different moisture content is obtained through Matlab analysis. Then, the HEM polarization branch pole can be used to characterize the moisture content of oil-impregnated paper. The linear combination of evaluation equations corresponding to the two characteristic parameters is realized by the optimal weighted combination method, which overcomes the shortcomings of the single evaluation equation. Finally, by the measured data of different sizes of oil-paper insulation equipment, the validity of the extracted characteristic parameters is tested.
Received: 09 July 2020
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