CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Computing for Static Voltage Stability Region Boundary in Bulk Power Systems |
Li Xue, Zhang Linwei, Jiang Tao, Chen Houhe, Li Guoqing |
Department of Electrical Engineering Northeast Electric Power University Jilin 132012 China |
Abstract To enhance the computational efficiency of the static voltage stability region boundary (SVSRB) in bulk power systems, a CPU-GPU heterogeneous computing technique is developed in this paper to parallel explore the SVSRB by using the direct method. According to the topological characteristics of SVSRB, a boundary tracking based direct method is proposed to explore the saddle node bifurcation (SNB) on the SVSRB by using the adjacent explored SNB as the initial point which significantly copes with the initial values choice of direct method. Then, the CPU-GPU heterogeneous computing is employed to accelerate the computational efficiency of direction method in which the mismatches of power flow are parallel solved in the GPU and the rest is solved in CPU. This reduces the computational time cost of direction method in SVSRB tracking. The WECC 9-bus, Polish 2737-bus, Polish 3120-bus, European 7092-bus、European 9241-bus、European 11624-bus and 13659-bus test systems are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The results confirm that the proposed CPU-GPU heterogeneous computing based direct method performs great computational accuracy and efficiency for exploring the SVSRB in the bulk power grids.
Received: 06 September 2020
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