Current Limiting Breaking Technology of Medium Voltage DC Ship Power Supply System |
Liu Siqi1, Hu Pengfei1, Jiang Daozhuo1, Zhuang Jinwu2 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China; 2. College of Electric Engineering Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China |
Abstract The medium voltage DC (MVDC) power system is a typical application scenario for ship power supply in the future, and the MVDC circuit breaker is one of the key equipment for ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the power supply system. The impedance of the ship's power supply system is small so that the fault current and its rise rate are high. Therefore, the DC circuit breaker is required to have both the function of fault current limiting and large interruption capacity. This paper first briefly discusses the DC fault characteristics of the ship's power supply system, and then introduces the research progress of solid-state DC circuit breakers and hybrid DC circuit breakers, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. What's more, engineering and technical feasibility analysis for applications in the ship's MVDC power supply system has carried out. Finally, the application feasibility analysis of a unidirectional improved artificial-current-zero hybrid circuit breaker in 10kV/5kA system is carried out and the difficulties and key technologies that need to be overcome in engineering applications are prospected.
Received: 13 June 2020
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