Review of Research Progress of Plasma Chemical Warfare Agents Degradation |
Wang Ruixue, Li Zhongwen, Hu Pan, Yang Yawen, Xia Zhangchuan |
College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Beijing University of Chemical Technology Beijing 100029 China |
Abstract This paper mainly discusses the research progress of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) decontamination by low temperature plasma technology. The classification and toxicity of CWAs were reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages, current developing trend and feasibility of traditional decontamination technology and catalyst decontamination were analyzed. Besides, low temperature plasma technology was introduced for CWAs degradation. The application of different plasma discharges including plasma jet, dielectric barrier discharge and microwave plasma for CWAs degradation were reviewed. The type of CWAs, reaction conditions and degradation efficiency in a plasma-CWAs degradation system were well analyzed. In addition, the synergetic effect between plasma and catalyst for CWAs degradation was proposed and CWAs degradation mechanism was discussed. Finally, the main problem for large industrial application of plasma CWAs degradation technology was analyzed. This research has significant reference value for promoting the application of low temperature plasma for CWAs degradation.
Received: 20 January 2020
Fund:国家自然科学基金(51877205, 52011530191)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(buctrc201906)资助项目 |
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