The Experimental Research on Removal of Nitrogen Oxide by High Voltage Pulse Dielectric Barrier Discharge Combined with Metal-Organic Framework Materials Catalyst |
Dong Bingyan, Li Zhendong, Su Yawei, Luo Ting, Zou Ying |
College of Resources and Environmental Engineering Jiangxi University of Science and Technology Ganzhou 341000 China |
Abstract Combined with metal-organic framework materials, i.e., composite MOF materials catalyst, high voltage pulse dielectric barrier discharge was adopted to the removal of nitrogen oxide in oxygen-enriched condition. Composite MOF materials, were prepared by hydrothermal synthesis, and X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) characterization technologies were adopted to analyze the composite MOF material. Then the influences of MIL-100(Fe) and catalysts with different Ce contents on NO conversion and NOx removal rate at different temperatures were investigated. The results show that with ±12kV discharge voltage, frequency of 55Hz, 4% oxygen concentration, 1L/min gas flow rate, and 400mg/L initial NOx concentration, the NOx degradation is the most effective when the added 0.08mol/L CeO2/MIL-100(Fe) catalyst and dielectric barrier discharge plasma act together. In that case, the conversion rate of NO is 91.1%, and with the increase of temperature, the overall degradation effect shows an upward trend. The pulse dielectric barrier discharge could change the morphology and structure of catalysts. And after adding a certain amount of Ce, the surface of the MIL-100(Fe) catalyst is smoother, the micropores are increased, the specific surface area is increased, the covered unsaturated metal coordination sites are exposed, and the active sites required for the reaction are increased, which promotes the effective progress of the catalytic reaction and results in higher removal rate of NOx.
Received: 21 July 2020
Fund:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51567010,51167007) |
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