Numerical Modeling and Analysis of Electromagnetic Interference in Power Electronics Systems |
Jia Shengyu, Zhao Zhengming, Shi Bochen, Zhu Yicheng |
State Key Laboratory of Control and Simulation of Power Systems and Generation Equipments Department of Electrical Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China |
Abstract With the increase of power level and switching speed of semiconductor devices, electromagnetic interference (EMI) caused by switching process is becoming more and more serious. Different from traditional EMI problems, the EMI problem of power electronics systems which mainly caused by the transient switching process of power semiconductor device, is intrinsically about energy conversion rather than signal propagation, implemented by pulse rather than continuous wave, and essentially carried by electromagnetic radiation in space rather than voltage and current in circuit.These three characteristics determine that it is difficult to reveal the essential features and rules of EMI problem of power electronics systems by using traditionalmethod of signal propagation, sinusoidal periodic waveform analysis and equivalent circuit modeling. Based on this understanding, from the perspective of energy pulse and electromagnetic filed transient process, this paper models and analyzes the electromagnetic pulse under the coupling effect of electromagnetic field and carrier field. A three-dimensional numerical model for EMI mechanism research is built, and the distribution and variation of electromagnetic field both in power device and space during the nanosecond switching transients are computed. The correctness of this numerical model is verified both in numerical calculation's and principle's aspect. This work will provide an effective numerical analysis basis for EMI mechanism research of power electronics systems.
Received: 28 May 2020
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