Abstract The day-ahead plan and operation scheme of virtual power plant (VPP) are the strong guarantee for realizing economic or technical benefits under its internal and external randomness. The multi-level optimization scheduling framework of VPP including day-ahead plan, rolling plan and real-time scheduling is proposed, and optimization models of different scales are established to achieve optimization robustness through the idea of ‘multi-level scheduling and step-by-step refinement’. In the day-ahead plan, a model is established with the goal of maximizing market benefits of virtual power plants. In intra-day optimization, based on the Markov decision process (MDP), the two-layer optimization of 30-min scale rolling plan and 5-min scale real-time scheduling are combined to reduce the modeling level. In the MDP model, the entropy feedback function is established to characterize the rolling optimization process, and the fuzzy-probability strategy is established to characterize the real-time optimization process to adjust the state of charge of energy storage (state of charge, SOC), which are finally effectively track the goals of day-ahead plan to maximize economic benefits. Finally, the proposed scheme was verified by calculation examples.
Received: 31 July 2020
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