Effect of Lightning Junction Height on Ground Electric Field Waveform |
Zhou Mi, Ding Wenhan, Wang Jianguo, Cai Li, Fan Yadong |
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China |
Abstract It was assumed by traditional return stroke models that the return stroke originates from the ground and develops towards the cloud. However, recent observation results show that, at the junction height, the lightning return stroke will generate bidirectional currents to the cloud and to the ground, respectively. Combined with the recent observation results about the lightning initiation process, an extended return stroke model incorporating bidirectional propagation of the return stroke at the junction height is proposed. Then, the ground electric field at different distances (50km, 5km, 50m) is calculated. The results show that, depending on the wavefront steepness of the current, the existence of the downward return stroke may generate a sharp initial peak in the rising portion of the electric fields. The sharp initial peak overshoot is defined to represent the extent of sharpness. The influence of junction height, current wavefront steepness and downward return stroke speed on overshoot is further analyzed. It can be seen that, as the junction height increases, the amplitude and duration of the sharp initial peak increase. Besides, a larger wavefront steepness and a larger downward return stroke speed tend to produce a larger initial field peak overshoot. The increase of downward return stroke speed results in a shorter duration of initial field peak. The electric field waveforms calculated by the proposed return stroke model are more consistent with the measured ones than the conventional models, revealing the physical mechanism of sharp initial electric field peak.
Received: 24 December 2019
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