An Isolated High Frequency DC-DC Converter Based on Class E Resonant Circuit |
Guan Yueshi, Shi Zhenyu, Wang Yijie, Wang Wei, Xu Dianguo |
School of Electrical Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract This paper presents an isolated high frequency DC-DC converter based on Class E resonant circuit.Through the analysis of the current and impedance characteristics of the switch,the method of reducing the switch voltage stress is analyzed.At the same time,the optimal combination of fundamental,second and third harmonic voltages is studied.An isolated impedance network based on planar transformer is constructed.The leakage inductance and magnetizing inductance of transformer are fully utilized to realize the impedance network to meet the requirements of low voltage stress.A 20MHz experimental prototype is built,and the driving method and control method adopted are explained.The experimental results show that the switching devices can work under low voltage stress and low switching loss conditions.
Received: 26 September 2019
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