A Two-Mode Soft-Switching Resonant DC-DC Converter for Wide Input Voltage Range Applications |
Liu Ruixin1, Wang Yifeng1, Han Fuqiang1, Yang Liang2, Ji Ruilin3 |
1. Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China; 2. National Electric Power Dispatching and Control Center State Grid Corporation of China Beijing 100031 China; 3. State Grid Tianjin Power Costumer Service Center Tianjin 300210 China |
Abstract A two-mode soft-switching resonant DC-DC converter is proposed in this paper.The resonant structure is changed by controlling the auxiliary switch,and thus the operating modes are determined.There are two working modes in total,namely LLC mode and LLCC mode.Combining the traditional parameter design of the LLC converter and the characteristics of the proposed converter,a novel parameter process that can meet the requirements of the two modes is designed.Moreover,by optimizing the switching point,the converter can achieve high efficiency and wide gain range within a narrow frequency range.In addition,an extra resonant zero point is introduced without increasing the complexity of the topology.As a result,the inherent over-current protection is guaranteed.Finally,a 1kW prototype is built to verify the correctness of the above theoretical analysis.The experimental results show that the proposed converter has excellent performance.When the input voltage varies from 150V to 400V,the output voltage remains constant at 400V and the maximum efficiency is 97.3%.
Received: 14 October 2019
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