A Condition Detecting Method for the IGBT Module Based on Pulse Coupling Response |
Yao Chenguo1, Li Mengjie1,2, Yu Liang1, Dong Shoulong1, Liao Ruijin1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New TechnologyChongqing University Chongqing 400044 China; 2. China Southern Power Grid Co. Ltd Huizhou Power Bureau Huizhou 516001 China |
Abstract The reliable operation of the voltage source converter based high voltage direct current transmission (VSC-HVDC) valve depends mostly on inusated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) in its submodules. Apart from the redundancy design of submodules, a real-time IGBTs’ status detecting also makes a great sense to the reliability improvement. Current methods are not able to realize the fast and real-time synchronous detection of IGBTs’ normal status, ageing procedure as well as different fault status. As a result, this paper carries out a conditioning detecting method based on pulse coupling response where a short high voltage pulse excitation is fed between the collector and the emitter. By analysing the output response of the equivalent two port network, IGBT’s status can be quickly detected within 1μs, as well as its fault type if it’s faulty. In the end, an experiment is carried out. Comparison between experiment results and Pspice simulation results validates the feasibility and correctness of proposed method.
Received: 16 January 2019
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