Modeling and Analysis of Active Power-Frequency Response of Parallel VSGs Using a P/ω “Admittance” |
Yan Xiangwu1, Jia Jiaoxin1, Wang Desheng1, Qin Benshuang1, He Xiaoyang2 |
1. Key Laboratory of Distributed Energy Storage and Micro-Grid of Hebei Province North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China; 2. State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Supply Co. Ltd Shenyang 110006 China |
Abstract For the existing P/ω “admittance” model, the load disturbance and active-power response of VSGs were considered, but the input of active-power reference and the response of angular frequency were not considered. So the extended P/ω “admittance” model of the multi-VSG parallel system was established. When the parameters of each VSG are matched, the P/ω “admittance” is proportional and two key conclusions are further derived. In the case of load disturbance, the active-power response of VSGs directly enters the steady state process, and the angular-frequency dynamic characteristic is the same as that of any a VSG in the single off-grid mode; in the case of the reference input, the active-power dynamic characteristic of VSGs is the same as that of any a VSG in the single on-grid mode, and the angular-frequency dynamic characteristic is determined by the response of any a VSG in the off-grid and on-grid mode. The simulation and experiment results are consistent with the theoretical analysis, which shows that the model can fully describe the power-frequency response characteristics of the parallel VSGs.
Received: 17 July 2019
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