The Method of Vibration Energy Collection and Storage of Cantilever Gallium-Iron Alloy |
Liu Huifang, Cao Chongdong, Zhao Qiang, Ma Kai, Gu Yanling |
School of Mechanical Engineering Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China |
Abstract Based on the dynamic model, equivalent circuit model and volt-ampere characteristics of the cantilever Gallium-iron alloy, the output voltage and output power models of the cantilever Gallium-iron alloy vibration energy collecting device were established, the energy storage circuit was designed, and the experimental platform of the Gallium-iron alloy vibration energy collecting device was built. The experimental results show that at the natural frequency of 67Hz and the external load of 17Ω, the maximum output power of the prototype is 116mW, and the corresponding power density is about 271μW/cm3. The maximum output voltage of the intelligent voltage mediation circuit can be maintained at 5.1V, and the charging voltage of 4.18V can be provided for the lithium battery. The experiment verifies that the output voltage of the vibration collection device can effectively charge the supercapacitor and lithium battery through the energy storage circuit designed in this paper, realizing the storage of energy. The prototype can continuously light up the LED lamp and digital tube, which further proves the effectiveness of the vibration collection device and storage circuit mentioned in this paper, and can provides the a basis for its practical application in the power supply of wireless sensor nodes.
Received: 28 June 2019
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