Short-Term Complementary Operation of Hydro-Photovoltaic Integrated System Considering Power Generation and Output Fluctuation |
Zhu Yanmei1,2, Chen Shijun1,2,3, Ma Guangwen1,2, Han Xiaoyan4, Wang Liang4 |
1. College of Water Resource and Hydropower Sichuan University Chengdu 610065 China 2. State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering Sichuan University Chengdu 610065 China 3. Business School Sichuan University Chengdu 610065 China 4. State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company Chengdu 610041 China |
Abstract Complementary operation of hydro-photovoltaic(PV) is of great significance to solve the problem of PV grid connection and consumption. In this paper, the PV output fluctuation was systematically divided into three levels: inherent, random and intermittent fluctuation. And the mechanism of hydro-PV complementarity was revealed from two aspects of improving system efficiency for the first time. Secondly, a dual-objective scheduling model that considered both power generation and output fluctuation was established, which was solved by a nested optimization method. Combined with the output characteristics of PV power generation, the measurement of output fluctuation was improved, and the staged fluctuation control strategy was proposed to adapt to the access of large-scale PV power generation. Finally, taking the cascade hydropower stations in Xiaojinchuan River Basin and its surrounding PV power stations in Sichuan Province of China as an example, the model was tested. The results show that under the premise of ensuring the power generation, both the overall and the staged fluctuation control strategies can adjust the output fluctuation well under the condition of access of small-scale PV power generation. However, with the increase of the scale of PV power, the latter shows a significant advantage, which verifies the rationality of staged fluctuation control strategy.
Received: 28 November 2019
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