Power Decoupling Strategy in Virtual Synchronous Generator Based on Adaptive Reactive Power Compensation |
Jiang Jingya1, Wang Wei1, Wu Xuezhi1, Tang Fen1, Li Jinke2 |
1. National Active Distribution Network Technology Research Center Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China 2. China Energy Engineering Group Jiangsu Power Design Institute Co. Ltd Nanjing 211102 China |
Abstract The virtual synchronous generator (VSG) may produce output power error due to the power coupling. To tackle this issue, a novel power decoupling strategy based on the adaptive reactive power compensation was proposed. The active-power loop and reactive-power loop were reconstructed in this paper. It is proposed that the power angle and inner electric potential of VSG could be characterized by the output current and the coupling problem could be characterized only by the d axis current. Furthermore, the decoupling strategy based on the reactive power compensation is proposed from the respective of suppressing the current error. Finally, the effectiveness of the strategy was verified by simulation and experiment results.
Received: 02 December 2019
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