Upper Bound Calculation of Delay of Distributed Energy Resource Coordinated-Control System Based on Stochastic Network Calculus |
Meng Guangyu, Yu Jiexiao, Yang Ting |
School of Electrical and Information Engineering Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China |
Abstract As a large number of distributed energy resources are connected to the grid for operation, the determinability of communication delay and network control become the keys to ensure the stable operation of the system. This paper studied the distributed energy system based on Ethernet communication and proposed a calculation method of transmission delay boundary using stochastic network calculus theory. With the establishment of self-similar traffic model, we use delay guarantee services and weighted fair queuing mechanism scheduling algorithms at the network nodes to concretize the random service curve and derive the end-to-end transmission delay boundary of distributed energy communication network, which could effectively overcome traditional queuing theory that can cause the problem of network control failure due to calculating the average delay only and omitting the long delay. Finally, the accuracy of the numerical calculation results of the delay boundary of the stochastic network algorithm proposed in this paper is verified by experiments that take into account the tightly coupled analysis model of distributed energy physical equipment and communication networks constructed by OPNET simulation software. The research provides an accurate analysis of the transmission characteristics of different communication architectures and provides theoretical support at the communication level for distributed energy networked control.
Received: 23 December 2019
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