Analytical Calculation of Exciting Capacitance for Buildup of Loaded Self-Excited Induction Generators |
Li Haitao, Cai Jianping, Peng Xuehu, Chen Lili |
College of Electrical Engineering Zhejiang University of Water Resources and Electric PowerHangzhou 310018 China |
Abstract To obtain the capacitance for buildup of loaded self-excited induction generators (SEIGs) analytically, firstly, this paper established the space-vector transient equivalent circuit and the mathematic model in the stationary two-phase orthogonal reference frame. Thereafter, an equivalent transformation analysis approach for system stability was proposed, and the critical condition of quasi-limit cycle representing energy equilibrium and motion stability was obtained. Thirdly, the analytical calculation of the critical condition of quasi-limit cycle is obtained for loaded buildup under a given rotor speed and resistance. It was easier to obtain the critical rotor speeds of loaded buildup under a given capacitance and resistance. Moreover, the necessary conditions for ensuring self- excitation were calculated, i.e. the analytic limit values of the resistance and capacitance. Finally, compared with other methods and model simulations under different operating modes, the proposed approach has good agreement of the calculated results, simplicity of calculation and applicability of analytic formulas, which is applicable to more complex systems. The analytic formulas are helpful for system configuration optimization and performance evaluation.
Received: 20 May 2019
Fund:国家自然科学基金资助面上项目(61573322)和浙江省水利科技计划项目(RC1815)资助 |
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