Loss Characteristics for NPC Three-Level Inverter |
Shi Xiaofeng, Du Shaowu, Jiang Weidong |
Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China |
Abstract As the extensive multi-level inverter’s application, the loss problem of electrical semiconductor has been regarded more and more. The research on loss of switch semiconductor is not only the precondition of heighten efficiency, it also is chief condition of running safety. Three-level inverter has many switches, and the conduction and switch mode is complex, so loss analysis is more difficult than that in two-level inverter. Basic on analyzing conduction and switch mode of three-level inverter, using loss characteristic parameter of semiconductor, this paper calculats the conduction loss and switch loss of the inverter under SPWM modulation strategy and presents the loss surface for modulation index and power angle of the modulation strategy, and makes loss analysis on other modulation strategies, testifies the validity of this loss calculated method by experiment at last. Loss modes and conclusion given by this paper establish foundation for further research on reducing loss.
Received: 21 June 2008
Published: 18 February 2014
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