An Improved Zero-Voltage Zero-Current Switching Converter With Current-Doubler-Rectifier |
Chen Yanming, Wang Juan, Wu Jiangfeng, Cao Qian |
Guangxi University Nanning 530004 China |
Abstract An improved phase-shift full-bridge zero-voltage zero-current switching (ZVZCS) converter with current doubler rectifier is proposed. By using a DC-block capacitor in series with the transformer and a diode in series with the lagging-leg, zero-voltage switching for the leading-leg and zero-current switching for the lagging-leg can be achieved respectively. The diodes in series with the lagging-leg are turned off under the zero current condition, and the rectifier diodes in the secondary side were turned off naturally. All the power semiconductors in the converter are operated with wide range soft-switching condition, and the soft-switching operating range and the parameters design are discussed simply. Finally, employing the outer voltage control loop and inner current control loop schemes with the peak current mode control, a 2.5kW soft-switching full bridge converter is implemented, and the experimental results are also presented.
Received: 12 November 2008
Published: 18 February 2014
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