A Topology-Morphing Multi-Resonant Soft-Switching DC-DC Converter with Parameter Design Method for Multi-Mode Operation |
Han Fuqiang1, Wang Yifeng1, Chen Mengying1, Yang Liang2, Meng Zhun3 |
1. Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China ; 2. National Electric Power Dispatching and Control Center State Grid Corporation of China Beijing 100031 China ; 3. State Grid Tianjin Economic Research Institute Tianjin 300171 China |
Abstract A topology-morphing multi-resonant soft-switching DC-DC converter is proposed in this paper. Auxiliary switches are adopted to control the equivalent resonant tank, and the adaptive resonant characteristics can be exhibited in different situations. The dual-transformer multi-resonant circuit is employed to meet the requirement of high voltage gain, and a five-element resonant tank is utilized at the rated state for high conversion efficiency. In addition, the placement of various resonant frequency points and peak voltage gains are reasonably designed in this paper. Therefore, wide voltage gain range and high efficiency are both guaranteed within a relatively narrow frequency range. To verify the performances of the proposed converter and the feasibility of the parameter design method, a 500W prototype is built in the laboratory. The input voltage varies from 80V to 600V, and the output voltage keeps constant at 400V. The highest efficiency is 97.93% for experimental tests.
Received: 30 August 2018
Published: 28 November 2019
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