A Hybrid Modulated Triple-Output DC-DC Converter |
Li Guangdi, Ruan Jie, Wang Kun, Deng Yan, Wang Yousheng |
College of Electrical Engineering Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract This paper proposes a hybrid modulated triple-output DC-DC converter. Based on the different modulation methods of the LLC resonant converter and phase shift full bridge converter, this paper proposes a hybrid modulation including the pulse frequency and phase shift angles. The triple outputs can be regulated based on the hybrid modulation of pulse frequency and phase shift angles. The structure of the proposed converter can be equalized into an input-parallel-output-series LLC resonant converter and two phase-shift full-bridge converters. What’s more, the power switches can achieve zero-voltage-switching over the full load. The series inductance of the phase shift full bridge converter does not need to be specially designed, and thus the duty cycle loss caused by the series inductance can be mitigated. This paper analyses the working principles and characteristics of the proposed converter in detail. Finally, a 1.4kW prototype was built and tested to verify the effectiveness.
Received: 20 August 2018
Published: 28 November 2019
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