Small-Signal Modeling and Parameter Analysis of the DC Microgrid Based on Flexible Virtual Inertia Control |
Meng Jianhui, Zou Peigen, Wang Yi, Wang Chen |
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy SourcesNorth China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract DC microgrid is a system with small inertia. The disturbance of load and the fluctuation of renewable energy will affect the stability of DC bus voltage. Aiming at the problem, a flexible virtual inertia (FVI) control strategy of DC microgrid is proposed firstly by analogy with the virtual synchronous generator (VSG) technology according to the correspondence relationship between the variables of AC and DC system in order to supply the adjustable inertia support for the DC microgrid and improve the voltage stability of the system. Then, the small-signal model of the six-terminal microgrid based on FVI control is constructed, and the influence law of the main control parameters on the virtual inertia and DC voltage stability of the system is revealed by the sensitivity calculation and root locus analysis, which provides the basis for the selection of the control parameters. Finally, the superiority of the proposed control method and the correctness of the theoretical analysis are verified by the real-time simulation.
Received: 19 April 2018
Published: 28 June 2019
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