Calculation and Analysis of Ground-Level Total Electric Field under ±500kV HVDC Lines Considering the Influence of Metal Return Lines |
Hao Liming1, Wang Donglai1, Lu Tiebing1, Chen Bo1, Wang Zhenguo2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. Research Institute of State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company Hangzhou 310014 China |
Abstract The structure of overhead metal return lines is adopted in the ±500kV voltage source converter (VSC) -based direct current grid demonstration project in Zhangbei. In this paper, the influence of metal return lines on the ground-level total electric field of ±500kV lines was studied for the first time by the upstream finite element method. A calculation method for the floating potential in total electric field was proposed to consider the operating condition that one pole is floating. The effectiveness of calculation method was verified by establishing a reduce-scale experimental platform in the lab. The shielding characteristics of metal return lines on ground-level electric field were analyzed under single circuit bipolar lines, single circuit unipolar operating lines and double circuit lines on the same tower. In order to improve the shielding effect of single circuit lines, the projection of return lines to the ground should be near the peak value of total electric field without return lines. Compared with single circuit lines, the shielding effect of double circuit lines is significantly improved because of the increasing number and large space of return lines.
Received: 05 December 2018
Published: 28 June 2019
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